Culture is a funny thing.
Culture is one way a person defines themselves. But it is only in how you can share yourself with others that it is valuable.
I love all kinds of 1970s and 1980s culture. Whether its Alice's Restaurant, Buckaroo Banzi, Prince Bride, Tae Kwon Leap or Star Trek. These are moments that are filled with special meaning for me, but are most precious when shared with others.
One of the benefits of working at an older tech company, is that there is a large cohort of fellow engineers and someone is likely to understand a reference, no matter how obscure. One time I even managed to riff a version of the "Battle of Wits" to another topic with a fellow engineer, completely impromptu. Not everyone understood what we were going on about, but those that did were in awe.
I was sitting at the counter of a bar, having dinner with a friend, telling stories like these, and mentioned another time when I was having a heated discussion with a co-worker, and another one ribbed us with, "Derek and Alaric, when the walls fell." At this moment in my story, another patron had come up to the bar to get a drink and looked over at us: "Was that Star Trek?"