The web site does the standard request a quote which is lame, but a few more lines down on the google search turned up this posting which gave me a ballpark figure:
Pro-Fusion Dual-Arc 80 Micro-TIG/Plasma System. Our R&D project has been completed. Used less than 50 hours. Available for $10,500 (shipping & insurance additional).Guess I better stick with the low-budget stuff from Lincoln and Miller.
Feb '04
Oops I dropped by satellite.
New Jets create excitement in the air.
The audience is not listening.
Mar '04
Neat chemicals you don't want to mess with.
The Lack of Practise Effect
Apr '04
Scramjets take to the air
Doing dangerous things in the fire.
The Real Way to get a job
May '04
Checking out cool tools (with the kids)
A master geek (Ink Tank flashback)
How to play with your kids