Since I'm doing this all on a whim, I'm still mostly using Steve Brunton's classes as the exercises. I've down shifted to the Begining Scientific Computing series which is kind of review, so I can zip through the lectures faster. Unfortunately the videos are not at all organized, and its somewhat of a puzzle to work out the order. I'm doing my best to document what I think is the progression in the comments of each of my julia files here:
As I've been going along, one thing that has raised it head, is the form of data that plot() like to make time series, vs the form the linear algebra solvers use. The best I've come up with to pull one row of data out of a vector of vectors is [e[1] for e in vu], but I fear this is a copy of the data which makes me sad.
To brush up on my basics, I found this interesting introduction, which wasn't so much an introduction as a tour through a lot of interesting topics like benchmarking, multiple plots in one pane, inline C code, and even simd. Its also just fun watching someone get excited by the ternary operator.
using BenchmarkTools using Random using Statistics using LinearAlgebra using Plots A = 2 * rand(10^7) T_bench= @benchmark sqrt(mean(A .^ 2.)) T_bench2= @benchmark sqrt(sum(x->x*x, A)/ length( A )) T_bench3= @benchmark norm(A) / sqrt(length(A)) histogram( T_bench.times )
Inlining C code, though the video cut the right edge off and I had to guess at what was missing,
using Libdl C_code = """ #include <stddef.h> #include <math.h> double c_rms(size_t n, double * X) { double s= 0.0 ; for ( size_t i= n ; ( i -- ) ; X ++ ) { s += ( *X * *X ) ; } return sqrt( s / n ) ; } double c_rmse(size_t n, double * X) { double s= 0.0 ; for ( size_t i= 0 ; ( i < n ) ; i ++ ) { s += X[i] * X[i] ; } return sqrt( s / n ) ; } """ const Clib = tempname() open( `gcc -fPIC -O3 -msse3 -xc -shared -ffast-math -o $(Clib * "." * Libdl.dlext) -`, "w" ) do f print(f, C_code) end c_rms( X::Array{Float64}) = ccall((:c_rms, C_lib), Float64, (Csize_t, Ptr{Float64},), length(X), X ) c_rmse( X::Array{Float64}) = ccall((:c_rmse, C_lib), Float64, (Csize_t, Ptr{Float64},), length(X), X ) c_rms( A )
And finally, some parallel coding in Julia,
function rms(A) s = zero(eltype(A)) # generic versiion @simd for e in A s += e * e end sqrt( s / length(A) ) end
To try these pluto notebooks out without having to have Julia running locally, there's a Binder transform here, but I think I may eventually setup a pluto instance on my server.
Labels: julia
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